Our pitch & presentation skills workshop is based on empirical data, decision-maker interviews, and our surveys with the Harvard Business Review.

We offer workshops or rehearsals, onsite or online, for employers to benefit from a popular data and skills-based framework for employees to be excellent together in pitches or presentations.

For large brands, we usually partner with Creative Directors, Directors of Global Sales and Marketing, and Product Marketers. They want a simple repeatable process for their colleagues (onsite, hybrid, and remote) to receive a validated (by the ANA) framework for being better and more resilient together when presenting ideas to senior management. For smaller (and in-house) agencies, it is normally the owner or CEO. For large agencies, the Global Client Lead, and Biz Dev Directors.

The 2-3 hours workshop is an organized conversation for 10-20 experienced people per session, full of data points and suggestions — so it is ideal for a team getting together/bonding over breakfast, lunch, or after work (in a quiet setting) - informal but structured and not at all stressful. Employees like it because the skills and data discussed give a ready structure and process often missing today in companies that have reduced their middle management ranks. Plus, in general, these are life skills - perhaps why the workshop consistently scores so well in blind post-workshop surveys.

For more information, see the video below, or visit my YouTube Channel.

For our online courses, visit SellingCreativeWork.com